Female Balance Hormone Tea![]() Code: Ht017
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Drink daily to balance hormones and estrogen, builds reproductive system. 2.8 ounce bag.
Female Balance Hormone tea commonly known as the PMS tea for the active young women.... ingredients: Red Raspberry, Oatstraw, Rose Hips, Schizandra berries, Blessed Thistle, Agnus tree berries and Spearmint. Hormonal imbalance does not happen overnight. It happens slowly over time. Many women have horrible PMS or menopausal symptoms, and others suffer from infertility. More often than not these hormone imbalances are cause from dysfunctions in the endocrine system which for those of you unfamiliar with this, it is your glandular system. Here are a few natural herbs you can use to get your imbalanced hormones under control. . The Female Balance Hormone tea is a blend of the following herbs: Red Raspberry Leaf: Women are vulnerable to hormonal imbalances during their reproductive age and beyond. Menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause are all affected and regulated by hormones (estrogen and progesterone). Amenorrhea (lack of menstruation), miscarriage and certain medical conditions including osteoporosis, can develop when these hormones go wild and become unregulated. While Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can help women with these problems, why not try a more natural solution like raspberry leaf tea. It's inexpensive and it works; perhaps even better than conventional prescriptions, for raspberry leaf tea doesn't have side effects that accompany the usual Hormone Replacement Therapies. Oatstraw: Oatstraw may not be the typical herb that comes to mind when people think of herbs for hormones. I have found oatstraw to strengthen the nerves, calm the body, strengthen the blood, stabilize moods, strengthen digestion, sooth the stomach, balance the endocrine system or those hormone producting glands, support the skeletal system due to its abundance of bio-available calcium, magnesium, and silica, and calm the central nervous system. Other benefits of this beautiful herb are great supportive benefits to the hair, skin, and nails, diuretic, cholesterol lowering, and heart health. This herb is great on its own or as a base mixed with other herbs. Rose Hips: Useful in skin care, as well as for easing skin conditions, reduces fine lines, scarring and even stretch marks. High in Vitamin C, the herb is used for arthritis and joint pain. A natural diuretic, it may be useful for bladder, and kidney conditions. Known mostly for its beauty, the rose doesn't usually come to mind when we think of food and nutrition. Compared to Oranges, Rose Hips contain 25% more iron, 20 to 40% more Vitamin C, and 28% more calcium as well as 25 times more Vitamin A. Additionally, they are a rich source of bioflavoniods, cartenoids, Vitamin K, selenium. Pectin, Vitamin E and D, Manganese, sulfur, potassium and silicon. Rose hips are often touted as a natural remedy for health problems. The benefits may be linked to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the herb. These properties may also be helpful for boosting the endocrine system. Schizandra Berries: Schizandra Berry has been used for centuries in China to preserve beauty and maintains youth, for both men and women and it also is believed to be a sexual enhancer. It has been cherished as an anti-aging tonic that is believed to increase stamina and mental clarity as well as fight fatigue and stress. It helps support the kidneys and has been recommended by herbalist for the treatment of frequent urination, excessive perspiration, and persistent thirst. Schizandra may be beneficial for conditions such as sweating, and premenstrual syndrome and can normalize body functions, healing the body to adapt and return to an overall sense of well being and increase the body's resistance to disease and stress, Hormonal issues may be caused by adrenal fatigue or adrenal insufficiency and is caused by chronic stress. Some of the signs of adrenal insufficiency include fatigue, body aches, unexplained weight loss, low blood pressure, light headiness and loss of body hair, other signs of adrenal fatigue, include anxiety, depression, and insomnia, by supporting the adrenals and hormone balance within the body, it helps with premenstrual syndrome of PMS. Blessed Thistle Leaf: Blessed Thistle Leaf is said to strengthen the heart and lungs, gastrointestinal system and for a healthy liver and gallbladder, A natural hormone for female health. Helpful for anorexia, depression, hysteria and vertigo. Agnus Tree Berries: Agnus Tree Berries, also known as Chase Tree has a long extensive history of use for hormone regulation. It is often used for treating endometriosis, infertility, PMS, preventing miscarriage in first trimester, and menopausal symptoms particularly hot flashes. Herbalist have had success using this herb to help regulate menstrual cycle and even help initiate a period in women who have had absent periods for some time. Chase Tree does not contain actual hormones, but rather works to help naturally balance the body's hormones by way of regulating the pituitary, By regulating the pituitary it has an effect on the function of the other glands involved in the endocrine system. The pituitary sends out the signal to the other glands to tell them when and how much hormone to produce. This communication system is called a hormonal feedback loop. If the pituitary is not balanced properly this will effectively throw off the balance of the other glands. Spearmint Leaf: Spearmint Leaf helps with upset stomach, heartburn, IBS, bowel pains, and nausea. A great support for the lower bowel, Used to relieve menstrual cramps and a diuretic rids the body of excess water. Used to ease coughs and asthma, lower fevers and treat colds. |