Anise Essential Oil (Pimpinella anisum) 2 ounce

Anise Essential Oil (Pimpinella anisum) 2 ounce
    Code: eo2a
    Price: $33.99
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    2 oz bottle. Pimpinella Anisum. Digest, asthma and breathing. Emmanagogues. Breast milk. Flash Point: 182 degrees

    Our essential oils are pure "food grade" quality. They come from responsible oil distilleries where they are processed from wild crafted or organic sources. Perfect for creating your own crafts, soap making, potpourri, sachets, dream pillows, candles, perfumes, or cologne. Perfect oil for use in oil burners or diffusers as an incense. May be used as a body fragrance. Dilute in Carrier Oil. 

    Magical Use: A boon to clairvoyance, it is often added to a ritual bath preceding any attempt at divination. It is also worn during divinatory rituals.

    Magical Attributes

    Anise is associated with the element of air, the God Apollo, the planets Mercury and Jupiter and the astrological sign Gemini. Anise is also considered masculine.

    Hang an anise seed head from your bedpost to restore lost youth. Use anise in dream pillows to keep away nightmares and ensure a good night’s sleep.

    Fresh anise leaves or anise seeds used in a potpourri will protect a room from evil spirits and intentions. It can be used in holy waters for blessing and exorcisms.

    It is said that the scent stirs up lust. Anise seeds carried in a sachet will ward off the evil eye.

    Anise aids in divination and may be added to a ritual bath and/or burned while meditating or divining.

    Anise has been used as an offering to entice spirits to aid in magical operations.

    Please check with your healthcare or Holistic Practitioner about the benefits of Essential Oils and herbal products. Essential oils should not be applied to skin full strength.
    Information and statements about the products on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease or for prescribing any medication.
    If you have or believe that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider. All the oil products offered on this website are for external use only. Information provided is for educational purposes only.